
Properties of oil types effect to cold process soap

There are many oil types come from different sources that we use for making cold process soap. Each oil will effect different properties to the finished soap bar.

Main 4 properties are :
- Hard, stable, long lasting : (palm oil, beef tallow, lard)
- Lathering : (coconut, castor, palm kernel)
- Moisturizing/Conditioning : (olive oil, canola, sunflower, soybean)
- Luxury/Super Moisturizing : (cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, hemp oil, jojoba)

(Using a lot of oils in recipe will have multiple characteristics. For example, shea butter result in great moisturizing and the soap bar will be very hard ,too. Coconut oil gives us a lot of lather and also make soap bar super hard. Tallow is normally used as a base oil (hard), but it also gives us creamy and moisturizing lather...)

Good basic soap recipe should contains main 3 properties soap oils including hard bar , lathering and moisturizing.

For example , good basic recipe showing below :
- 25% palm oil
- 25% coconut oil
- 25% olive oil
- 15% canola oil
- 10% sunflower oil

Once you have oil base recipe to make soap , then you go to the lye calculator step and ready to make the handmade soap now.